1859 September 18 Letter to Jacob Hamblin


1859 September 18 Letter to Jacob Hamblin


Utensils are to be sent to the Moquiches and instructions given on how to use them. They should be given a Book of Mormon and taught the history and the gospel and the new alphabet.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


Jacob Hamblin


1859 September 18


Great Salt Lake City


Indian Affairs
Missionary Work

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City Sept 18th. 1859

Elder Jacob Hamblin,

Dear Brother:--
As Bro. Shelton is about leaving for your place, I improve the opportunity of sending a letter of instruction for your guidance. It is my wish that you should take all the articles which were furnished you here to the Moquiches and leave a few brethren in their midst to give them instruction, to teach them the use of the utensils sent and otherwise learn them how to labor to advantage also cleanliness in person and cookery, and as soon as they become sufficiently familiar with their language present to them the Book of Mormon and instruct them in regard to its history and the first principles of the Gospel. Instil into their minds purity of character and holiness and seek to elevate them above their present low condition.

Bro. Shelton had also better remain as he can instruct them in the new alphabet and perhaps reduce their dialect to a written language which they will soon learn and understand to read and write. Instruct the brethren to be just and honorable in all of their transactions with them and not permit a spirit of covetousness or speculation to enter into their minds or influence them in any of their acts, but on the contrary. In all of your intercourse with them in every possible way seek to do them good.

May the Lord give you wisdom and aid you and the brethren who are associated with you in gaining and exercising a salutary influence over the dark and benighted minds of the Lamanites into whose midst we have so providentially been thrown. It is for us to improve the privilege so opportunely given to lead them back to a knowledge of the Lord God of their Fathers.

Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young