1859 September 20 Letter to Asa Calkins


1859 September 20 Letter to Asa Calkins


A draft is drawn on Calkins for N. V. Jones.




Brigham Young


Asa Calkins


1859 September 20


Great Salt Lake City


Financial Matters

Item sets

President's Office
Great Salt Lake City Sept. 20th 1859

President A. Calkin,

Dear Brother:
Since closing my package of letters for the east I have drawn upon you draft No 136, for Pound10.0.0, favor of N.V. Jones.
This amount is deposited in this office by Wm. Rydalch to be placed to the credit of his father, Wm. Ridalch, on your books, and to be paid to him in two pound instalments -- the first about Christmas -- the others as he applys for them
The reason for drawing the draft in favor of N.V. Jones is that he may have the use of it to help him and others through the States if necessary.

Your Bro. in the Gospel

Brigham Young

P.S. You will please debit the Trustee in Trust with the am't as N.V. Jones has been charged on our books