1859 November 22 Letter to Philo T. Farnsworth


1859 November 22 Letter to Philo T. Farnsworth


A bill of divorcement for Matthew McEwen and Sarah Hadden is sent for signature. David Muir may attempt to reconcile his marriage but Brigham is hesitant to delay granting his wife a divorce.




Brigham Young


Philo T. Farnsworth


1859 November 22


Great Salt Lake City
Beaver, Beaver County U. T.

Number of Pages



Domestic Dispute

Item sets


President's Office
G. S. L. City, Nov. 22, 1859

Bishop Philo T. Farnsworth,
Beaver, Beaver Co. U. T.

Dear Brother:--
In reply to your note of the 8th inst., I have to reply that Matthew McEwen and Sarah Jane Hadden (his second wife) are at liberty to dissolve the marriage relations now existing between them. For this purpose I inclose a bill of divorce for them to sign, which I wish you to attend to and, when paid for, hand br. McEwan his copy marked duplicate, sister Hadden the one marked triplicate and return to this Office the one marked original. Also inform the parties that they are not disolved until the bill is signed and paid for, as they do not get theirs until then.

You can inform br. David Muir that he is at liberty to try to arrange matters with his wife, Catherine, but I should feel a little ashamed to require a wife to ask me twice for a bill of divorce, or to refuse signing and paying for it at once. If the brethren were but a small part as anxious, diligent and prompt in this particular, as they are in having women sealed to them, it would prevent much needless annoyance and perplexity to the sisters.

Taking wheat at Beaver would be virtually forgiving all payment, for it will not pay for transportation from there to any point where we can use it to advantage.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young