1860 March 8 Letter to John Neff


1860 March 8 Letter to John Neff


Brigham seeks to borrow money for the purchase of a paper machine.




Brigham Young


John Neff


1860 March 8


Great Salt Lake City

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Business Matters
Financial Matters

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G.S.L. City, March 8, 1860.

Elder John Neff,

Dear Brother:-For several days past I have contemplated the gratification of paying you a visit, but the roads and weather continue so unfavorable to my going abroad that I am reluctantly compelled to forego, for the present, this anticipated enjoyment.

Your past kindness and liberal aid for the general good in time of need have a two fold effect upon me, rendering me ever grateful and mindful of the past, and at the same time very delicate lest I too far tax your liberal feelings But confidently presuming that a common spirit prompts each of us to seek the general welfare, by which our individual interests are also best promoted, I venture to address you.

We are much in need of a paper machine for manufacturing all kinds of paper used by us, and notwithstanding my efforts to induce capitalists, whose more immediate duty it is, to embark in that business, we are still annually paying abroad large sums of money for a very scanty supply of paper, and have none for printing our school and other books I have waited patiently for several years for others to act, but without success. I have now concluded to send for the machine myself, sending teams from here to Florence to haul it. That course avoids paying cash, except for the machine, and is the most feasible method I am able to devise under present circumstances. But as the machine costs some $5000, and as there are so many other calls upon me for money, I am not able to send for it this season, unless I can obtain some assistance, and I know of no one but yourself to whom to apply with a prospect of success. For these reasons you will confer a real favor upon me and all your brethren, if you will be so kind as to loan me one or two thousand dollars, or as near that sum as may be consistent with your business, for some three or four months, at such rate of interest as may be proper.

Trusting that you will view this highly necessary and beneficial enterprise in the same light that I do and be able to render me that desired assistance in this matter, and proffering my kindest regards for the health and welfare of yourself and family,

I remain, as ever,

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young

P.S. An answer, at your earliest convenience, will much oblige

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