1860 March 8 Letter to Louis A. Bertrand


1860 March 8 Letter to Louis A. Bertrand


Updates on settlements, emigration and the military.




Brigham Young


1860 March 8


1860 March 8


Great Salt Lake City
Paris, France



Item sets


G.S.L. City. March 8. 1860

Elder Louis A. Bertrand,

Paris. France,
Dear Brother:-Your very welcome letter of Jan. 16 is at hand, and afforded me much pleasure to learn of your safe arrival in the field of your labors, of your kindly <reception> by your family, of your visit to the Saints in Switzerland and the good spirit there prevailing, of the union in the Paris Branch, and of the hope and energy you evince in behalf of the cause of truth.

But little of much general importance has transpired since your departure. A rather cool Winter is slowly and reluctantly yielding to Spring, and preparations are being made for the active prosecution of the hurrying labors incident to the season, so soon as the weather will permit. Quite a number of brethren are moving into Cache valley, enough, probably, to make their settlements safe and afford facilities for good meetings, schools &c., and a good many are moving into SanPete valley. There is little or not talk, so far as I have heard, of many leaving the Territory this Spring, except that class of transient persons who mostly came here in 1858. With a view to enabling a larger number of poor persons to immigrate this year, also to procure machinery with a smaller outlay of cash, so soon as grass will answer we shall start an ox train to Florence. The train will take a large quantity of flour to be deposited at different points on the route, and will load back with a paper machine and other useful and necessary machinery and articles.

The army still remains at Camp Floyd in a very quiet and uselessly expensive condition, but there are current rumors that all or nearly all the troops will ere long be removed to points beyond our borders where, perhaps, they may be of some use.

From the favorable reception you have thus far met in your travels and labors, I trust that through your faithfulness and diligence you may be instrumental in doing a good work in introducing the honest in heart to the paths of salvation.

In Utah, affairs are moving favorably for the truth and all who love it.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young