1860 March 8 Letter to Nelson Gavit


1860 March 8 Letter to Nelson Gavit


A request to build a paper machine.




Brigham Young


Nelson Gavit


1860 March 8


Great Salt Lake City
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Business Matters

Item sets


G.S.L. City, March 8, 1860.

Mr Nelson Gavit,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,

Dear Sir:-Since my letter to you, Feb. 16, arrangements have been made to send for a paper machine, and you will be expected to make one 36 inch cylinder Dickinson machine, of the most approved pattern, and, all the materials and workmanship to be of the best quality, with rag engines, &c., of the same description, in readiness to be forwarded so as to reach the frontiers by the 20th of June next.

Mr. Silver, who leaves here about the 20th inst., will have charge of the inspection, purchase, boxing, marking, &c., of said machine and its appurtenances, and for this purpose will proceed directly to your city, where he will expect to find the machine well forwarded towards completion, as it requires much diligence to go from here and return with freight in the same season.

Your prompt attention to this matter, that we may have the machine here this season, is respectfully solicited by,

Truly your Friend,

Brigham Young