1860 April 19 Letter to Horace S. Eldredge


1860 April 19 Letter to Horace S. Eldredge


A request to assist specific people to emigrate and also to pay charges on a box of books. An update is given on Indian affairs including the murder of an Indian.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


Horace S. Eldredge


1860 April 19


Great Salt Lake City
St Louis, Missori

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs
Financial Matters

Item sets


G.S.L. City, April 19, 1860.

Elder Horace S. Eldredge,
St Louis, Mo.,

Dear Brother: I wrote to you on the 12th. inst., and inclosed a small additional bill of articles which I wish you to purchase, noting the advices upon said bill. Since then I have thought of a few more articles which you will find named on the inclosed bill.

To further aid in preventing any liability there may be for your getting out of business, I wish you to hunt up, or cause it to be done, Mary Stalon, and Mary Ann Stalon, (relatives of br. Hart's wife, and now in St Louis,) & inform them, that if they will make their way to Florence in time for our ox train, we will endeavor to bring them across the plains this Season. The ox train company will meet on monday the 23rd inst., and now think of starting on the 24th or 25th; you can, therefore, make a tolerable guess as to when they will reach Florence. I also wish you, if reasonably convenient, or if not request some one, to inform br. Eliakim S. Davis that if he will make his way to Florence, with his family if he has any, we will also try to bring him through this Season. About two years ago br. Davis was president of the Branch in Lowel, Massachusetts, which may give you a clue to learn his present whereabouts, or br. George Q. Cannon may be able to inform you where br. Davis now is.

Inclosed please find an express bill in relation to a box addressed to Cap. W.M. Gibson, and transferred by Cap. Gibson to you. I wish you to pay the charges on said box and forward it to Florence to be brought here by the ox train. The box contains some hundred and odd copies of Cap. Gibson's books, and you are at liberty to open the box and sell a part of the books for cash at $1.25 or $1.50 each, provided you have an opportunity for so doing.

Since your departure we have learned that Joaquin Johnston and U.S. Deputy Marshall Kirk murdered an Indian on the Sevier, scalped him, and threw his body into the river. The only pretext we have thus far heard alleged for so diabolical an act, was the statement that the murdered Indian had been instrumental in overhauling Johnston when he was on his way south last fall with a band of stolen horses.

A few Indians, probably of those who frequent the northern emigrant road, have been a little ugly and mischievous of late in Davis, Weber and Box Elder Counties, three of them having assaulted a br. Thomas Miles, near Ogden, while he was hunting his oxen, wounding him severely, though, it is supposed, not mortally. It is also reported that the Indians have been stealing some horses from Weber and Box Elder, but steps are being taken to prevent a repetition of such acts.

I am informed that Post orders are being issued for the march of the two columns of troops withdrawn from Utah; the times, said to be appointed are the 10th, 15th, and 20th of May next.

Pres. Kimball's health is improving, though he is still confined to his house. Pres. Wells is daily at the office, but his health is not fully restored.

Matters in general are moving favorably for the cause we are engaged in, and your family and friends are well

I inclose a copy of Col. Smith's orders for the movement of troops ordered to be withdrawn from Utah.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young