1860 April 19 Letter to William H. Hooper


1860 April 19 Letter to William H. Hooper


Utah mail is detained. Dr Forney is an advocate for Utah rights. The U. S. Marshal murdered an Indian and now a small band of Indians has attacked multiple people and threats to kill and plunder the California emigrants. A portion of the military will withdraw in May.


Indian Affairs


1860 April 19


William H. Hooper


1860 April 19


Great Salt Lake City
Washington, D. C.

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs

Item sets


G.S.L. City, April 19. 1860.

Hon. W.H. Hooper,
Washington, D.C.,

Dear Brother:-Your welcome favor of the 20th March is at hand, and, as you state, though there are not many very startling, spicy, strange, or unusually interesting items of news and movements, still, as you from us, we like to hear from you at least as often as once a week, whenever practicable.

I have just learned that there are some thirty sacks of mail matter at the Muddy Station-many of the papers and pamphlets lying around loose. Whether this is a portion of what has been so long at the Rocky Ridges station, or whether of older or later date, I am not informed, but in either case it tends to explain where are many of the numerous papers you advise me of sending. Such not carrying the mail would hardly be tolerated or thought of being practiced on any other route, but such conduct towards Utah may entitle the contractors to even extra pay for their steady perseverance in not delivering the mail matter intrusted to them on the frontiers.

I am much gratified with the information that Dr. Forney had a sufficient share of humanity and candor not to side with the reckless vilifiers who are seeking to harm us by every base means they can bring to bear, but on the contrary boldly spoke in behalf of the right. You need no assurance from here that the Doctor will be fairly estimated in Utah, so far as his sayings and doings are made known to us, and will receive the largest award of credit and mete of praise that his conduct may deserve. Should you meet with him, please inform him that with his personal knowledge with regard to our extreme forbearance and patience towards our enemies he certainly should be under no apprehension that we will not deal very justly and kindly with our friends.

I presume there will be no occasion for your being hindered in your official duties by any requirement to attend to the paper machine, for br H.S. Eldredge who left there for the States, on the 2nd inst., has kindly proffered <to the brethren who are sending for it> to purchase the machine and superintend its transportation to Florence. I am happy in being able to inform you that this arrangement relieves you from any particular attention to this matter, for I am aware that your time and attention are required in several ways and upon many subjects. In consideration of this fact, I have again to advise you, as on the 12th inst., that you be always mindful of the 13th commandment, to wit:-- "Fret not thyself because of evil doers;" by so doing you will be better able to curb any impatience that may assail you, and run far less risk of overtaxing your physical energies, especially if you constantly bear in mind that the Almighty is guiding the ship Zion and overruling the results of the acts of the children of men, be they individuals or nations, be they ignorant or wise, weak or powerful.

I was pleased to learn of the health and welfare of br's George Q. Cannon and Andrew Moffitt, and confidently trust that all needed blessings will attend their efforts.

It is said that a short time ago Joaquin Johnston and U.S. Deputy Marshal K murdered an Indian on the Sevier, scalped him, and threw the body into the river. The only pretext for this wanton act, so far as yet heard, is the allegation that the Indian was in some way somewhat instrumental in Johnston's being overhauled while on his way last fall to California with a band of stolen horses and mules. This barbarity will doubtless render it necessary for travelers in that region to go well armed and in strong companies, until the matter can in someway be adjusted.

A small band of Indians, some 15, of those who frequent the northern emigrant road, lately visited this City and behaved very impudently during their short stay, finding fault with the Governor for not making them presents, &c. On their return they insulted and threatened two of br. Barnard's sons in the streets of Farmington; kicked and abused a herd boy just beyond that place; would have killed two boys near Weber river, who followed them in quest of a poney and harness they had stolen, had not the boys, in some way, narrowly and fortunately escaped; and a few miles south west of Ogden three of them attacked a br. Thos Miles, who was hunting his oxen, with arrows and war clubs, severely wounding him in some 8 or 10 places, though it is said not mortally, after which they fled and have not since been heard of. Steps are taken to
prevent a repetition of such acts in and near our settlements, but we are not able, neither is it our duty, to guard the northern emigrant road, along the line of which it is reported that those Indians and their confederates threaten to kill and plunder during this season's emigration. Should they do so, without doubt many, as heretofore, will raise the howl of "Mormon" complicity, notwithstanding we <are> infringed upon by and have to defend ourselves against them. "So goes the world," to accomplish their selfish and wicked schemes.

I am informed that Col. Smith has issued orders for the bodies of troops withdrawn from Utah to march on the 10th, 15th, and 20th of May next. In all the twistings, turnings, twinings and expenditures in sending troops here, and in a similar course in now withdrawing a portion, in how many and to what extent do you discern a particle of love of justice, of country, and of human progress? True the withdrawing some of them, and the whole would be that much wiser, from where they are worse than useless to points where by possibility they may be of some benefit is so far beneficial, but can the movement be credited to respect for human rights by the "powers that be"? If so, where does that credit belong?

I infer, from the tenor of your late letters, that you are becoming somewhat familiar with a striking characteristic of Washington political society;-- smiling, bland, and courteous to the extreme so long as they fancy that they can make capital, but colder and more chilling than an iceberg upon learning that they were mistaken. This should neither chafe, discourage, nor so much as astonish you, for such is the nature of the bitter and cruel opposition to the cause in which the honest in heart are inlisted. And, as you state you have, it simply remains for you to "cast your bread upon the waters" to an extent reasonably commensurate with your opportunities and, especially, with your physical ability, and safely trust results with a Power that doeth all things wisely. In few words, please be as patient as possible, no more industrious than is prudent, and borrow no troubles on the score of fault-finding by your constituents, for there will be none, let affairs work as they may.

Many are moving into Sanpete and Cache valleys, especially the latter; the people are very generally healthy, industrious, and cheerful; and matters continue to move in the right direction. We are very thankful to each week receive information, over your signature, that you are well and by no means disheartened, and to learn of your industrious, well directed, and persevering efforts in behalf of Utah, only fearing that you may be too anxious and injuriously overtax your energies, which we trust you will be careful to guard against.

We shall be very happy to see you here as soon as convenient, after you are relieved from your Congressional duties of the present session.

God bless you is ever the prayer of Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young