1860 May 3 Letter to Horace S. Eldredge


1860 May 3 Letter to Horace S. Eldredge


Updates on financial matters, shipping a machine west and a request to fill an order to be sent to Utah.




Brigham Young


Horace S. Eldredge


1860 May 3


Great Salt Lake City
St. Louis, MO


Business Matters
Financial Matters
Overland travel

Item sets

G.S.L. City, May 3. 1860.

Elder Horace S. Eldredge.
St. Louis, Mo.,

Dear Brother:-

Elders Lyman, Rich, and the balance of the Missionaries left here at 6 p.m. of the 1st inst.

In addition to the few hundred dollars forwarded to you by br. Joseph W. Young, I have sent to him $800. by br. Amasa Lyman. which amounts br Joseph is instructed to forward to you by br. E.D. Woolley, if he has not left the ox train before br. Amasa Joins them; if he has gone on, then by br. Amasa, as he is going to St Louis.

The last mail brought a letter from Mr. Gavit, at too late a date for answer to any benefit, as you probably have seen him ere an answer could reach, and are fully advised as to what wood work, if any, to dispense with, taking drafts thereof, and of the weight of packages to be most convenient for loading, handling, &c., so far as the different articles will permit; and no further suggestions have been offered by the persons sending for the machine.

Br. Samuel P. Hoyt has forwarded money and bills for mill irons and other articles for a gristmill. The person he sends in charge of freighting the articles is entirely inexperienced in any other part of the business, and br. Hoyt wishes you, if consistent with your other duties, to fill the bills forwarded by him and forward the freight to Florence; and should there be any overplus of money, after filling said bills and paying their freight to Florence, he wishes you to expend the balance in purchasing and freighting the best school books for common schools. If inconvenient for you to attend to the above, br. Hoyt would be pleased to have you, if possible, introduce br. E.D. Woolley to Mr. Todd, and such other persons as it may be necessary, and advise him in relation to the purchases and freighting. I also wish you to advise br. Woolley as to the best course for him to pursue to steer clear of all annoyance or hindrance from Merit L. Young, should he attempt to molest him in any way in regard to property or business operations.

Your family and friends are well, and there is no news of material import, further than you will learn from our papers.

Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young