1860 May 3 Letter to William H. Hooper


1860 May 3 Letter to William H. Hooper


Counsel not to labor too hard but to trust in the Lord. The military will leave shortly, their presents has provided an example to contrast the conduct of the faithful with those who oppose it. William Gibson will disseminate truth about Utah.




Brigham Young


William H. Hooper


1860 May 3


Great Salt Lake City



Item sets

G.S.L. City, May 3, 1860.

Hon. Wm. H. Hooper, M.C.,
Washington, D.C.,

Dear Brother:-

I cheerfully improve the opportunity offered by another mail, not because there is any matter of very material importance, further than you will find in our papers, to inform you upon; nor because I have before me an unanswered letter from you, for I have received none from you since my last to you of the 26th ult.; but because I am pleased to hear from you, if possible, by every mail, and am aware that you are cheered by weekly news from home, if only to know that we are well and feel to say "God bless and prosper our Delegate," which we do constantly.

As advised in my last, our principal fear is that you will labor too hard for your physical ability, and be so anxious as to be unable to enjoy sufficient mental quietude, a condition very taxing to a person of your sensitive nervous temperament. We wish you to be very careful upon these points, and at all times and upon all subjects, having done the best your judgement, circumstances, and ability reasonably permitted, quietly and confidently trust the results with Him who ever controls them to His glory and the accomplishment of His purposes. That control was signally manifested in the late acts of the House in relation to Utah.

Were you to ask them, they could not explain to you why the matter terminated in the way it did; but I trust that you fully understand it, and will receive increased confidence therefrom to not labor too hard, nor to injure yourself by two much anxiety. And in so doing, entertain not the shadow of a fear that you will be censured by your constituents, for I am not aware of the least exceptions being taken to anything you have said or done, to our knowledge, since your departure from here; and have no idea that there will be.

The weather is very favorable for the preparations for the movements of troops on the 10th, 15th, and 20th inst., as ordered; as I am not aware of anything likely to hinder their departure upon those days, unless, perchance, the proverbs that "large bodies move slowly" should slightly effect the times. The affair has been very expensive to the Government, but really, in many particulars, highly beneficial to Utah. It has afforded to many an excellent and very profitable opportunity to contrast the conduct, course, designs, and desires of those who love the truth, and of those who oppose it.

Capt. W.M. Gibson started for the States with the ox train on the 27 ult., bearing introductory letters to yourself, our Friend, and others. I deemed it most beneficial, and so advised him, not to come out too rapidly and fully in the profession of faith embraced by him last winter, lest it might in many instances tend to bar avenues and opportunities for doing good, but, for a time, to make seemingly causal remarks in conversation more as an enquirer, and reply, and lecture when opportunity offered, as one who had traveled much and associated more or less with the first society in various climes. In this way he may be able to successfully cope with the bitter prejudices of those who are opposed to the truth only because of their ignorance, and be instrumental in desseminating correct principle where they would otherwise be excluded.

The season is opening with very flattering prospects for the rich products of fields and gardens, with the exception of peaches, the fruit buds of which were destroyed by the severe and cold of the past winter <and I think most of the old peach trees are killed>. This makes quite an inroad upon our supply of fruit, but the prospect is good for apples, plums, strawberries, and currants.

Your brother George W. has just stepped in, and informs me that he writes to you by every mail, and that your family and his fathers are well, as, I am happy in being able to inform you, are your friends generally.

We hope to see you at home about the 1st of July next. May God bless you.

Your Brother in the Gospel.

Brigham Young