1860 May 22 Letter to Messrs. Brewster & Meredith


1860 May 22 Letter to Messrs. Brewster & Meredith


Brigham's attorneys request official copies in the case of J.A. Ahmanson vs. B. Young and give their opinion that the lawsuit is malicious.




Hosea Stout
W. G. Mills


Messrs. Brewster & Meredith


1860 May 22


Legal Matters

Item sets


Great Salt Lake City,, U.T.

May 22nd 1860
Messrs. Brewster & Meredith,


On Friday last, the 18th. inst. we forwarded, by the mail, to the Clerk of the First Jud. Dist. Court, the depositions you required, according to the notice in the case of J.A. Ahmanson vs. B. Young. There was no Atty. for the plaintiff present.

We think that the evidence is clear and conclusive, but should you be of opinion that it does not cover the ground, we hope you will endeavor to have the case adjourned, and inform us of the nature and character of the evidence you need, and we will attend to it. If you would at the same time forward us a copy of the declaration and plea &c., and, so far as you can learn, the extent or nature of evidence for the plaintiff, it would aid us considerably

On the whole, from what we can learn, we are decidedly of opinion, that the action is vexatious and malicious had nothing whatever to do with the man or his goods. B. Young We regret that such suits should be instituted or encouraged, and that the property of the inhabitants of Utah should be mercilessly attached in your vicinity. We fear that if such will be persisted in, the point of outfit of the emigration for this place will be changed to some one more safe. Would it not be better to cultivate more friendly relations with rising and neighboring Settlements? Several persons having business in that capacity feel a little warm on the subject.

We merely state this for your private information. We send this by the Pony Express.' If the session of the Court commences before the depositions arrive you will be prepared by this to have the case continued until its arrival.

Very Respectfully Yours &c.

Hosea Stout & W.G. Mills,
Attys. for Defendt.