G.S.L. City, May 31, 1860.
Hon. W.H. Hooper, M.C.,
Washington, D.C.,
Dear Brother:-
Yours of May 15, by Pony Express, came to hand on the 25th, soon after the departure of that day's mail; and your letter of May 1, by due course of mail, arrived on the 29th inst., showing quite a difference in favor of the Poney.
I perceive that conventions are seriously effecting the transaction of Congressional and Department business, which, at the best, is none too often characterized by promptness and dispatch. And whether business and progress more rapidly after the Presidential nominations are made is rather questionable, for it has become so customary for Congressmen to take an active part in the election of a President, that many, if not a large majority, will be anxious to adjourn at as early a date as possible.
It is said that Camp Floyd and Frogtown are very thinly settled, though a Corporal's guard is and at any time has been all sufficient for the duties pertaining to that station, viz:-drill and the care of the public stores. It would be far more economical to sell the stores, and abandon the place, ordering the few remaining troops to points where they can or may be of some use to somebody, if any such points there be. Report says that three companies of dragoons leave Camp Floyd, June 5, for a point near Fort Hall, to patrol the new overland wagon route between the South Pass and City of Rocks, this, you will perceive from the enclosed Mountaineer Extra, left Col. Smith short handed in regard to the white and Indian difficulties west. However that probably matters but little, as it is not likely that those sent out will see any Indians, it being their policy to make a break and then scatter.
I do not apprehend there will be much difficulty with the Indians in Western Utah, nor on the western mail route; and think that "Nevada's" present cry about arms and ammunition, and her present statements concerning population contrast very ludicrously with her high flown pretensions, averments and requests previously forwarded to Washington.
On Monday, June 4, I purpose starting with a small company on an excursion, by way of Cache Valley, to the Soda Springs and Bear River Lake, and may be absent some twenty days. I expect to arrange to have my mail matter forwarded to me each week, and to communicate with you, as heretofore, until you advise me that letters after a certain date will not reach you in Washington.
Until advised by you, May 15, I was not aware, or if so had forgotten, that I had any claims in the hands of Suter, Lea & Co. You are already fully authorized to transact business for me in the States, and E. Snow & Co., W.S. Godbe, and E. Nixon inform methat you have a power of Attorney from each of them. Br. Heywoo is not at home, and will not be until next week. I do not wish to appear in the matter, therefore, if it proves necessary to employ an Attorney, I much prefer to have you do so, if reasonably consistent with your other duties, and if that can be made to equally answer the requirements. Should this not be the case, and should any paper or papers be required from here, I wish you to request your Attorney to make out and forward to me such papers, duly prepared for signature, certification, seal, &c., precisely as he wants them, that the matter may be attended to here in due form and the papers returned, otherwise we may waste time and labor in preparing documents that will not answer the purpose required. As before stated, so far as employing Counsel is concerned in any business interesting me, I deem that you are fully authorized by me so to do at your discretion. This is also the understanding of all the parties you mention, except br. Heywood, who is out of town.
As you have supposed, I did not write by mail of April 6, as nothing of particular interest had transpired during the previous week, And, as usual, the people are so busily occupied in agricultural and mechanical pursuits, plowing, seeding, irrigating, fencing, building and preparing to build, &c., that the even tenor of their daily walk is not varied by the spicy incidents of many other regions. And since the influx of 1858 has become so greatly reduced, shootings, stabbings, drunkenness, and other concomitants of "modern civilization" are daily becoming less frequent, and East Temple Street is rapidly resuming its former exemplary appearance.
Money is scarce, and the scarcity increases. As a consequence traders are becoming rather uneasy, and anxious to sell out. Moore, Green & Co. have sold most of their stock to Woodmansee, and I understand that others would be very glad to sell out for a saving figure, for which at present, I see little or no prospect.
It may not be amiss to suggest the exercise of a prudent forethought, that, in operating with claims, a careful discretion be exercised, lest they possibly' fall into worse positions than they now are, though such a contingency is scarcely supposable.
Our weather continues cool, our affairs are progressing favorably, and your family and friends generally are well.
As you are aware, you ever have our faith and prayers for the right.
Your Brother in the Gospel,
Brigham Young
In employing Counsel, &c., for the prosecution of our just demands, I wish it distinctly understood that they must not expect any money from here, for if the claims will not pay expense of collection they had better remain as they are.
Yours of April 30, addressed to David O. Calder Esqr., with inclosed statement, bills, &c., has just come to hand, having for some reason been sent from the P.O. in this City to Camp Floyd, and back.
They are all very satisfactory, so far as time permits for examining them.