1860 June 18 to Simeon A. Dunn


1860 June 18 to Simeon A. Dunn


Brigham has no ill feelings toward Dunn and encourages him to continue living his faith.




Brigham Young


Simeon A. Dunn


1860 June 18


Great Salt Lake City
Brigham City, Box Elder County, U. T.



Item sets


G.S.L. City, June 18. 1860.

Elder Simeon A Dunn,
Brigham City, Box Elder Co., U.T.

Dear Brother:-

I was not in the least aware of the state of your feelings as expressed in your letter of the 10th inst., neither do I know why they are so. There neither is nor has been any feeling on my part towards you to cause the feelings you describe, for I have ever deemed that you have striven and are striving to do the best you can, and I know of nothing prejudicial to your course and conduct in well doing.

No counsel occurs to me at present, further than for you to continue to strive to live your religion, as you have hitherto done; and when temptations assail, redouble, if possible, your vigilance, and, so far as I know, no evil power can overcome you or cause you to come short of the glory you have in view.

Please harbor no suspicions nor jealous feelings, for there is no ground for them on my part; and be so kind as to ever meet me and communicate with the frankness of old, which is felt and will be cordially reciprocated by,

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young