1860 July 26 Letter to Peter Maughan


1860 July 26 Letter to Peter Maughan


Brigham reiterates the counsel given June 18 and wishes that the warning had been shared before lives were lost.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


Peter Maughan


1860 July 26


Great Salt Lake City
Wellsville, Cach Valley, U. T.

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Indian Affairs

Item sets

G.S.L. City, July 26, 1860

Pres. Peter Maughan
Wellsville, Cache Valley, U.T.,

Dear Brother:-Your letter to Major S. Smith, July 25, is before me, and in reply I am not aware that I have any suggestions to offer, further than to advise observance of the teachings and counsel given while we were last in Cache Valley, and the advise contained in the instructions forwarded to you under date of June 18, 1860, which Instructions we again advise to be at once read in all your settlements, that the value of their prudent precautions may be fully realized, appreciated, and, if possible, thoroughly put in practice.

I was pleased to learn that the brethren proved so prompt and well prepared as they did, but wish that some one, aware of the beginning of the affray, could have had forethought enough to have timely warned those in the kanyons, or sent assistance to them. But the lives of the killed cannot be recalled, and it only remains that their death profits the living by prompting to increased and unrelaxing vigilence and wariness on the part of all in your valley and its neighborhood.

I hope that the brethren will learn that a horse or two is not of so much value as the life of a person.

Your Brother in the Gospel,