1861 February 6 Letter to Benjamin Davies


1861 February 6 Letter to Benjamin Davies


David Calder is authorized to represent Brigham and assist Davies in his investigation of the unsettled accounts with the Indian Department.


Financial/Legal Matters


Brigham Young


Benjamin Davies


1861 February 6


Great Salt Lake City


Legal Matters
Indian Affairs
Financial Matters

Item sets


Great Salt Lake City, U.T.
Feb. 6. 1861.

Hon Benjamin Davies,
Supt Indian Affrs. U.T,

Sir:--I was gratified to learn from your note of the 4th. inst. received on the afternoon of the 5th, that the condition of your other official duties has enabled you to appoint Thursday, the 7th inst. at 10 o'clock A.M. in your office, for the investigation of my unsettled accounts with the Indian Department at Washington, D.C.

Mr. David O. Calder, my chief clerk, who is perfectly familiar with those accounts, is hereby deputed and authorized by me to attend on my behalf, such investigation thereof as you may be pleased to institute, at the time and place you have named.

In the investigation, should any question arise requiring my personal attention by letter or otherwise, I shall endeavor to promptly facilitate your labors so far as in my power; but Mr Calder is so familiar with the whole subject that I presume he will be fully competent to furnish you all the information you may wish.


Brigham Young