1861 July 18 Letter to Elders Clawson, Calder and Caine


1861 July 18 Letter to Elders Clawson, Calder and Caine


Discretion is advised in making purchases. Sales at Bridger will be lower.




Brigham Young


Elder Clawson
Elder Calder
Elder Caine


1861 July 18


Fort Crittenden, U. T.


Financial Matters

Item sets

G. S. L. City, July 18, 1861.

Elders Clawson, Calder, and Caine,
Fort Crittenden, U. T.,

Dear Brethren:-Your note of the 17th inst. is at hand, and the information therein contained is very satisfactory.

With your limited means, I trust to your united judgement and discretion to so manage as to continue to make, so far as possible, the most useful and necessary purchases at the lowest possible rates; and commend your policy of selling portions of what can be spared, at greatly advanced rates, to increase your funds for other purchases.

As a word to the wise, I will suggest that probably the sales at Bridger will be much lower where you are, which it may be well for you to bear in mind.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young

P. S.
I inclose a copy of the last extra.