1861 July 18 Letter to Andrew Moffitt


1861 July 18 Letter to Andrew Moffitt


Brigham leaves the selection of a Representative with those in Sanpete. There is conflict in the states. Emigration companies are leaving Florence with some 2000 people in all.




Brigham Young


Andrew Moffitt


1861 July 18


Great Salt Lake City
Manti, Sanpete County, U. T.

Number of Pages




Item sets

G. S. L. City, July 18, 1861

Bishop Andrew Moffitt,
Manti, Sanpete Co., U. T.,

Dear Brother:--

I cordially coincide with the choice, by the people, as informed in your note of the 13th inst., if br Orson Hyde for Councilor from Juab and Sanpete Counties; and, since you made so good a choice for Councilor, I prefer leaving the selection of a Representative from Sanpete with br. Hyde, yourself, and other fellow voters of good judgement, who are better acquainted with your population and circumstances than I am.

The sale at Camp Floyd began on the 16th inst., and I am informed that many things have been sold remarkably low. Br. Hiram bought a large quantity of nails, various sizes, for 6 cents a pound, horse and mule shoes for one half cent each, 200 sacks of flour for 55 cents a sack (100 pounds in each, with double sacks), new mule collars for 41 cents each, &c. &c.

The last Pony (yesterday) brought St Louis and Washington dates of July 11 and 10, from which we learn that skirmishing is going on in Virginia and Missouri, particularly in the latter, where quite a battle is reported to have been fought in the southwest part of the State, the numbers killed and wounded not certainly known here, as both parties prefer misrepresenting their losses.

Soon after our immigration had all passed the Hannibal and St Joseph railroad, the secessionists began to break it up, burning a bridge and some cars and tearing up the track near Munroe Station, not far from Hannibal.

Br. Joseph W. Young writes from Florence, July 1, that Cap Ira Eldredge's company was loaded and ready to start, br. Horace's company was loading and would be ready to start on the 2nd, br. John R. Murdock's company would begin to load on the 2nd, and br Joseph would begin in a few days, as he was awaiting some freight expected soon to arrive.

He expects to bring every thing at Florence worth bringing, and states there will be some 2000 persons in the Church train. Aiding that number across the plains should be a very pleasing reflection to all who assisted in fitting out and forwarding that train, and doubtless will prompt to renewed and more extensive operations in that direction next season, if the way continues open for our immigration.

All well, and very busy, with harvests promising abundance.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young