1861 July 27 Letter to Orson Pratt and Erastus Snow


1861 July 27 Letter to Orson Pratt and Erastus Snow


Pratt and Snow should determine if they are safe remaining in the States. Camp Floyd and Bridger sell property and destroy ammunition. The emigration is underway.




Brigham Young


Orson Pratt
Erastus Snow


1861 July 27


Great Salt Lake City
New York City


Missionary Work

Item sets


G. S. L. City, July 27, 1861.

Elders Orson Pratt and Erastus Snow,
Post Box 3957, New York City,

Dear Brethren:-Though your letters to me are all answered, still, amid the secessions, strifes, and confusion steadily increasing, it may be that all my letters do not come to hand, and I have concluded to write previous to receiving a reply.

You probably distinctly remember that, at the time you left for the States, you were allowed full liberty to remain as long as you pleased, and of course to return when you pleased. This permission has already been renewed in two or three letters to you,
and is again renewed in this; if, after all this, you are waiting to be pointedly called home, you may have to wait a good while. A moment's good reflection must convince you that you should be the best judges of the circumstances by which you are surrounded, and of the length of time your tarrying in the States would be more conducive to good than your returning, and you are at full liberty to tarry or return at your own pleasure.

During your stay, whether you conclude to let it be longer or shorter, I wish you at all times to counsel the elders and brethren to be ever on the alert, and watchful that their way of escape be not closed up ere they are aware of it.

Whenever you wish to return, if you lack means for so doing you are both, or either of you, at liberty to economically use a small amount of the tithing money in your possession, toward defraying the expenses of your return.

Camp Floyd has sold off buildings and everything they do not take with them, except the arms and ammunition they do not take, which they have destroyed by orders from the war Department. It is reported that this morning saw them all under way for the east, where they having given a burning evidence of the continued bitterness of the national feeling toward us, will in turn be wasted, burned, and destroyed.

The sales at Fort Bridger began yesterday, but we have no word as how they progress.

Haying and harvesting are upon our hands with abundant returns, and corn and fruit are doing well.

The weather is very warm, but, amid all their hard labors, the health of the people continues good, as does also that of your families, so far as I am informed.

From br's Amasa, Charles C., and George Q. we receive accounts of the goodly progress of the work under their Presidency, and reply to their letters by this man

Br. Hooper informs us that himself and family, with brs.T. S. Williams, Judson Stoddard and H. W. Lawrence, and John B. Kimball, were at Wood River Centre on the 16th inst., all well, and that br. Milo Andrus and company passed there on the 15th, also all well. Our this season's immigrating operations have been signally blest, and we trust they will continue to be blest to the safe and timely arrival of all the companies.

Labors are being vigorously prosecuted here and east and west for completing telegraphic communication across the Continent by the 1st of December next, at the latest.

Praying that all needed blessings may attend your efforts on behalf of truth and  righteousness and trusting that you will start for home whenever your judgement dictates.

I remain,

Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young