1861 August 9 Letter to W. R. Davies


1861 August 9 Letter to W. R. Davies


Joshua T. Willes will replace Davies in the Bishopric.




Brigham Young


W. R. Davies


1861 August 9


Great Salt Lake City
Harmony, U. T.


Church Leadership

Item sets


G. S. L. City, Aug. 9, 1861.

Bishop W. R. Davies,
Harmony, U. T.,

Dear Brother:

In reply to yours of the 22nd ult., I take pleasure in informing you that, agreeable to your wish to be released from the duties of your Bishopric, you are hereby released from said duties so soon after the receipt of these lines as br. Joshua T. Willes, to whom I am writing by this mail, is ready to take charge of your Ward for the time being, and you have delivered to him the books, papers, &c., pertaining to the Ward, and acquainted him with the run of the business at the time of said delivery.

In regard to delivering tithing, I presume you have done the best you could, and doubt not that br. Willes will promptly take hold of the matter as you leave it, and do the best he can.

Pleased to learn that affairs are prosperous in your Ward, and realizing that a
continuance in well doing will secure the rich blessings of Heaven, I remain,

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young