Special Orders No 2
Copied in Nauvoo Legion order RR
G. S. L. City. August 12 1861
Brigadier Genl Chauncey W West
Dear Brother
It is deemed advisable quietly revive the Military throughout the Territory. You will therefore make a thorough organization and inspection of each Company Battalion and Regiment in your district.
Call no larger force together than a Regiment at a time but attend to this duty at such times and places as you shall fix after giving the necessary notices and do not congregate companies away from their neighborhoods. Give your notices through the regular channel of Officers taking your own time to bring about a muster and inspection of arms
What we wish is to have our Military organizations as perfect as possible and to have the implements of war on hand and in good order. Now is a favorable opportunity to obtain Guns and Ammunition. Let the brethren provide themselves with a good supply of powder ball and caps and then not shoot nor trade it away but choicely and safely keep it on hand and in good condition against a time of need also have an eye to speedy transportation and a store of supplies for men in active service
You will also organize our company of Artillery and one Battalion of mounted rifles to act as minute men
You will see that every person residing within your command who is liable to perform Military duty is enrolled in some company and so far as possible in readiness with Arms Ammunition and equipments suitable to his corps for active service.
The Cache military district which has heretofore been attached to your brigade is herby detached therefrom and will hereafter receive orders from and make return direct to this office. You will however in connection with Col E T Benson commandant of that District publish and carry into effect these orders in its more effective and complete organization and in strict accordance with the instruments contained in special orders issued to that district June 11 1860
Although no apprehension of difficulties are felt at present yet it is considered best in the present disturbed state of our country not to exhibit too much apathy or indifference to passing events but be prepared so far as possible to meet any and every emergency that may arise.
In fact we above all other people should ever be on the alert It is an old saying that "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. Be this as it may ours consists in a union of faith and energetic effectual effort and in keeping our powder dry. A word to the wise is sufficient.
You will please be diligent in carrying out the foregoing; calling such officers of your command to your assistance as you choose; and make full and complete return to me of your doing herein.
As ever your Brother in Christ
Daniel H Wells
Lieut Gen Commander Nauvoo Legion & Milita of the Territory of Utah.
Weber Valley, Lost Creek Settlement, and all intervening settlements on the Weber river are hereby attached to the Weber Military District. You will organize a company of Infantry <there> with a platoon of mounted minute men.