1861 August 22 Instructions for Arza Hinckley


1861 August 22 Instructions for Arza Hinckley


Instructions for delivering the telegraph poles.




Brigham Young


Arza Hinckley


1861 August 22


Great Salt Lake City


Building and Construction

Item sets

Instructions G. S. L. City U. T.
Augt 22, 1861

Brother Arza Hinckley:-I wish the ox-teams to go as far as Simpson's springs which is 92 miles from this place where we think it best for them to unload their poles, and then let the mule teams take the poles the other part of the route. If the ox teams could go 20 or 25 miles on to this 45 mile drive and then leave their poles, the mules could come back and get a load and return to water in one day. This I shall leave with you and Charley Bagley to decide upon. Take the poles to just far enough so as to get unloaded when you get to Deep Creek or to the end of our job.

Mr. Street will probably be there to tell you where he wishes you to begin, you will then return with the Mule teams and take up the poles that the ox teams leave and spread them upon the west end of our job. If Mr Street is not immediately in want of the poles, you may come home for another load, we shall be a sending horse feed to you as we think your teams will need it. John will write every day or every other day and send by mail to me.

Brigham Young