1861 October 15 Letter to Chauncey W. West


1861 October 15 Letter to Chauncey W. West


Permission is granted for brethren to settle in the South. Tithing produce will be used to accommodate the brethren going south.




Brigham Young


Chauncey W. West


1861 October 15


Great Salt Lake City
Ogden, U. T.



Item sets

G. S. L. City, Oct. 15, 1861.

Bishop Chauncey W. West,
Ogden, U. T.,

Dear Brother:--

In reply to yours of the 12th inst., I take pleasure in informing you that br's John and Casper Gubler are at full liberty to join the company going to settle in the Southern portions of our Territory. Please say to them that members of that company will begin to start on Monday next, and the sooner all can manage to be at their several places of destination, the better they will be prepared for next season's operations which there begin early. I wish you to inform br. Edward Bunker, br. Phelps in br. Bunker's Ward, and such others in his Ward as may wish, that they are also at liberty to go south.

The Bishops south of Fillmore have been advised to inform me, at their earliest convenience, how much tithing produce they have and are likely to have this Fall, that I may know to what extent we can exchange with the brethren going south, as we purpose accommodating them in this matter as far as we can. IT is also probable that we shall be able to accomodate br. Crow to such exchanges as you may wish in his behalf; we will gladly do so, if the tithing in the Southern region will permit.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young