1861 October 2 Letter to Millen Atwood


1861 October 2 Letter to Millen Atwood


The Secretary for the mail company wishes wood hauled from Camp Floyd. Brigham questions if the cattle can endure being loaded both ways.




Brigham Young


Millen Atwood


1861 October 2


Great Salt Lake City


Business Matters

Item sets


G. S. L. City, Oct. 2, 1861.

Br. Millen Atwood:-

Mr. Cook, Secretary for the mail company west, wishes some wood hauled to this city from Camp Floyd, by our return teams ox trains on their way in for more poles. He says Mr. Goodin, who has the wood in charge, will furnish planks, racks, or something to load the wood on, if the cattle can endure being loaded both ways, which I think very doubtful, considering the service required of them on feed and little and poor feed and bad water, scarce at that.

Should you conclude to it best to haul <any of> said wood, under the above named circumstances, the price and pay will be arranged for here.

Brigham Young