1862 April 28 Letter to H. H. Bancroft & Co.


1862 April 28 Letter to H. H. Bancroft & Co.


Brigham sends maps of Utah. He is apologetic of their inaccuracies due to a lack of proper surveying.






H. H. Bancroft & Co.


1862 April 28


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages


Item sets

G. S. L. City, April 28, 1862.

H. H. Bancroft & Co.,
Booksellers and Stationers,
San Francisco, California,


Your favor of Feb. 4 and five copies of the Hand Book Almanac of the "Pacific States" came safely to hand, for which please accept my thanks.

I placed your letter and circular in the hands of persons as well informed on your points of inquiry as any within my acquaintance who could well give those points the requisite attention, and still, from want of many of the requisite data, the reply is probably not as complete as either yourselves or I could wish. With the exception of the small portion embraced in Cap. Howard Stanbury's survey, our maps have as yet to be made mostly from reports of hasty and informal reconnoisances, traders, travelers and Indians' reports, odometer distances, &c., which is the best that can be done until proper surveys furnish more accurate information.

The map does not show the locality and trending of mountain ranges nor the courses of streams, except where near settlements, so fully nor accurately as to the latest Government maps of Utah; for, lacking the necessary surveys, it was chiefly intended to indicate with approximate accuracy the localities of Cities, towns, and settlements, and the County lines; for which reason, should you wish to publish a new map of this country, I would recommend that you only take from the map herewith furnished the positions of the Cities, &c., and the County boundaries. 

Imperfect as may be <the> report herewith inclosed, I take pleasure in forwarding it as the best that can consistently be made under the circumstances, with the proffer to furnish, so far  as in my power, such further information [?] you may at any time wish, to enable you to carry out your laudable designs.

Trusting that the accompanying report and map may be of some service to you, I have the honor to remain,
