G. S. L. City, May 16, 1862.
Elder Walter M. Gibson,
Lahaina, Hawaiian Islands,
Dear Brother:
Your very welcome favor No 10, Jan 16, came safely to hand, and we rejoiced in learning the many blessings attending you and your labors in the great cause of the last
Soon after the adjournment of the Territorial Assembly in Jan. last, Delegates from the various Counties met in this City, framed and adopted a Constitution for the State of Deseret, and adopted a Memorial to Congress for our admission into the family of States. On the 14th of April thirteen Senators and twenty six Representatives, elected under the provisions of the State Constitution, met in the Council House and, during their Session of four days, elected Pres Daniel H. Wells Secretary of State, the Hon. William H. Hooper and Pres. George Q. Cannon Senators to Congress, also a Chief Justice and District Judges, adopted a memorial for the admission of the State of Deseret, and passed the few acts requisite to put the State governmental machinery in motion when the time arrives for hoisting the gate. Pres. Cannon is advised to meet br. Hooper in Washington by the 25th inst., leaving the Liverpool Office in charge during the short time he will be absent from there.
Some three weeks ago the Agent at Julesburg drew off the mail animals between Bridger and the Black Hills on account of some depredations committed on Sweetwater by, it is asserted, a few Indians. From that time to now we have had no mail to or from the East, which derangement caused br Hooper to start on the 26th inst. in a private conveyance, to reach Washington by the appointed time, and to be accompanied by an escort of twenty odd men to where he will meet the stage, that he might be safe in case any Indians were really disposed to be ugly.
On the 28th ult., at 8-30 p.m. I received a telegram from the War Department, by express direction of President Lincoln, authorizing me to raise a company of cavalry for United States service in the neighborhood of Independence Rock for ninety days, or until relieved by troops from the East, to protect the mail and Telegraph property. I immediately issued a requisition upon Gen'l Wells for said company, and aon the 30th they were mustered into the service of the U. S. under Capt Lot Smith, and moved into camp. On the 1st they left for their destination, and, notwithstanding the almost impassable condition of the road in the mountains, from high water and deep, soft snow, on the 14th they reached Green River, form hwich point we presume they will rapidly complete the trip. Your son Jon went in Cap Smith's company, in good health and spirits. Henry is also well, and is living at br Free's [sp?].
Bro Hooper and Company passed Green River one week a head of Cap Smith, and we will probably not hear from him again until he reaches Deer Creek, for the Telegraph operators between those points have been withdrawn, but are expected soon to be replaced. Both Companies. Both Companies were well and getting along well at last advices.
On the 13th inst. the 300 four yoke ox teams for Florence -six fifties- began leaving here for the road, and with soon all be under way to bring up machinery and the Saints. From all we yet learn, our this years immigration will exceed four thousand, and we presuem that the teams now forwarded, which will probably exceed the 300 called for will be able to haul the large amount of various machinery up being imported this year, and all who are unable to furnish their own means of conveyance. Deep snow in the mountains and consequent high water have made the start of the train rather later than usual, but we anticipate a successful trip and their return before rough water.
I presume you receive new from the States at date, which precludes my writing any you are not already acquired with on receipt of this, though I will state that by our last telegram, States' date May 13, Beauregard was still at Corinth. The Fedralist were in possesion of NorFolk and Portsmouth *** and also of news [several lines illegible] and gunboats [illegible]
Some twenty brethren called to go on foreign mission, will go to the frontiers with the train to Florence, then from there make their way as speedily as possible to their various fields of labor.
Home affairs are progressing very favorably, and present prospects indicate an abundant harvest of fruit, wheat and other customary products of the soul.
Your friends and the people generally enjoy good health, and the rich blessings of Heaven upon their efforts to establish Zion on the earth.
Since writing the foregoing I have learned that [gap in typescript] and escort reached Deer Creek on the 15th yesterday he and br. [gap in typescript] West will take the stage, and the escort will start on their return. They saw no Indians on the route.
Praying that the guidance of the Spirit and all needed blessings may attend your labors in the cause of truth, I remain,
Your Brother in the Gospel,
Brigham Young