1862 July 11 Letter to Nathaniel V. Jones


1862 July 11 Letter to Nathaniel V. Jones


The purchase of wheat and iron are discussed. Over 4000 Saints have reached Florence.




Brigham Young


Nathaniel V. Jones


1862 July 11


Great Salt Lake City
Rocky Ford, Beaver County, U. T.

Number of Pages



Business Matters

Item sets

G. S. L. City, July 11, 1862.

Elder N. V. Jones
Rocky Ford, Beaver County, U. T.,

Dear Brother:

Yours of June 14 to hand, and the scarcity of stock with us obliges me to state that we are at present unable to accommodate you in the matter of wheat as you request.

We can, however, should you wish it, let you have a hundred bushels of your wheat here; and more than that on the same terms, if you have the wheat here and wish to exchange.

As to the iron at Nephi, its situation is such that I do not feel like doing anything about purchasing it, and I also think it best for you to leave it where it is.

I now purpose starting for the southern settlements on or about the 1st of September, and presume I can take the castings with me, which will probably be as soon as you will want them.

As you take the "News" and dispatches I will not attempt giving you the news, further than to mention that Joseph W. Young telegraphed on the 10th that br Rich reached Florence on the 9th with 850 saints. All these were well, and now probably number over 4000.

Affairs here are progressing as usual, and many emigrants are now passing through in a very orderly manner.

Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young