1862 October 29 Letter to Ephraim Tomkinson


1862 October 29 Letter to Ephraim Tomkinson


Tomlinson may choose where to locate his pottery business.




Brigham Young


Ephraim Tomkinson


1862 October 29


Great Salt Lake City
Meadow Creek, Fillmore County, U. T.

Number of Pages



Business Matters

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City Oct 29th 1862

Ephraim Tomkinson,
Meadow Creek, Fillmore County. U. T.

Dear Brother:

Your letter of the 11th inst., is to hand, and so far as your past labors, expenditures and losses in the potting business are concerned they have proved your zeal and good works in the undertaking, and you will be amply blest for what you have done in this matter.

It is obviously necessary that we manufacture our own potteryware, and it is very desirous that it be made of the best materials the Territory affords, and in variety of kinds and in quantity sufficient to supply the great and rapidly increasing demand.-

I should be much pleased to have you engaged in the manufacture of pottery, beginning operations as soon as possible, and prosecuting the business with such force, skill and means, as you may be able to command for that purpose.To enable you to do this to the best advantage your judgement may dictate, you are hereby granted full liberty, agreeable to your request, to make your own choice of location business for carrying on the potting And for your speedily commencing and successfully and beneficially prosecuting so useful a branch of business you have the good wishes and feelings of

Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young