G. S. L. City, Feb. 21, 1863.
Hon. W. H Hooper,
care of Riggs & Co., M. Bernhisel M. G.
56 Wall Street New York.
Washington City, D. C.
Dear Brother:-
Your very welcome favors of Jan. 7, 12,25 and 27 with inclosures and your telegrams of Jan. 15 and Feb. 16 came safely to hand; the last named was replied to on the 17th inst.
I was much pleased to learn that your health was improving, and trust you may be spared further inconvenience from sickness during your absence.
I infer from your favor of the 27th that you had already learned that the 15 beeves you furnished for Cap. Lot Smith's command were in the accounts. Those accounts were made out in my name, as I was required by Pres. Lincoln to furnish subsistance to that command until the arrival of a commissary (who, by the by, never came), and for that reason I thought it best to assume and consolidate all that was furnished.
I have not received a copy of either letter or dispatch from Mr. Hollady Howard Livingston, concerning grain, and only know of the matter what you have written.
I am aware that these lines will not reach you until after the 4th of March but you were quite right in not confining yourself to Washington any more than judgement dictated under the circumstances, as that would have been a needless waste of time means and patience.
In regard to Governor Harding's message, the Assembly were not only offended with his style of reading certain very objectionable passages, but they also deemed the document malicious, meddlesome and mischievous, for which reasons, the shortest and easiest method, they simply declined ordering its printed in pamphlet form, though agreed to its being printed in the Journals, which either has been or is being done.
This was a far milder course of proceedure than any Assembly within my knowledge could have been induced to take under like unjustifiable attack, slander and other grievous aggravation in an official communication to them. And now what do Congress think they will do about it and what business is it of theirs?
It is a reflection degrading to humanity that Congress should so much as think of wishing Utah to concede a Constitutional right as the condition of her admission, and you were quite correct in replying that she would not accept of admission upon such terms. Better not be admitted, <than be admitted> at the sacrifice of even social or political rights, much less of a right pertaining to freedom of conscience in the worship of our God in accordance with his revelations and commandments. Where do Congress get the right to place such restriction or condition upon the admission of A Territory? The answer is obvious, no where. Why is it sought to be imposed in the case of Utah? Because the majority of her population are or are trying to be faithful servants of the true and <ever> living God. Well, let them plan, devise and debate, they cannot hinder the purposes of Jehovah, nor prevent his overruling the results of their acts to his glory.
Of course Harding, Waite and others have been and are doing all they can to create strife between us and the Government. <This is so generally the case with Government> officials sent here, that it gives a person reason for supposing that there is a design in sending such characters as are the majority of those they have sent. But rest content, they will not be able to accomplish their designs one hair's breadth farther than the Lord in his wisdom may see fit to permit. The same may be said in regard to the Bill you mention as having been presented by Mr. Browning. In the mean time and all the time it behooves us to be ever on the alert to prevent and avert, so far as in our power, the evil designs of the enemies of truth.
It is yet undecided what purchases and to what extent it will be advisable to make in the States this season, but to be ready, so far as possible, to take either course, I have advised Dr. Bernhisel to place in your hands, in the best shape he can, according to your suggestions, the $600 from the American Exchange Bank, his collections for the transportation and subsistance of Cap. Burton's command, and such other funds belonging here as he may be able to collect. He was thus advised on the ground that you intended to remain the longest in the states, which would give us more oppertunity to take advantage of the times. The Dr. advises me that he has $3000 of his own that I am at liberty to draw upon, but I am not certain whether I will need to draw on him or not; if I do, I will advise you in time.
At present I have no more green backs and other Government paper than I can convert into coin at par here.
Col. Conner, as you saw notices, went into Cache Valley and attacked and defeated a bank of Indians at the expense of nearly half of those with him killed wounded and frost bitten, as the weather was very cold, and they got wet in crossing Bear river. The perticulars you will see in the "News."
The Colonel, I am informed, purposes starting again in quest of another band in the same region, previous to the time he can move East or west in compliance with orders.
Since writing the foregoing your favor of the 31st. ult. has come to hand with the gratifying intelligence that the Doctor's health is good, and yours no worse than at your last previous writing. As you state, it is not very probably that Richardson's superseding Browning, even should he be placed in the Com. on Territories will make a material difference in the progress of our affairs; at any rate Wade's report on Hardings message does not look very favorable. Still, rest assured that, as br. Heber said when blessing you, you will be able to accomplish what the Lord at present desires, and that is all we wish or expect.
Bro. H. S. Eldredge has written to David McFarland, Worcester, Massachusetts to make two machines for making cards and one for filleting, and for two tons wire suitable for manufacturing card clothing from. In the letter Mr. McFarland is instructed to correspond with you in relation to the matter, and Is advised that you will pay him, or place the requisite amount in the hands of Messrs R[word cut off] & Co., 56 Wall Street, New York, to be by them paid to him upon the safe delivery of the machines and wire in New York or such other place as you and he may agree upon, all properly boxed and in good order for forwarding and marked as advised, "H. S. Eldredge, care of W. M. Pyper, Florence, Nebraska Territory.
I wish you to attend to the foregoing business for br. Eldredge.
Our winter continues mild, though more snowy, and home affairs are progressing in their usual quiet and pleasant manner.
Br. N. V. Jones died on the 15th inst., after a very short illness.
My health, and that of your family and friends and of the people generally is good.
We are and shall be pleased to hear from you as often as your feelings and circumstances will warrant.
Ever praying that all needed blessings both spiritual and temporal, may attend you in your labors for the truth I remain
Your Brother in the Gospel,
Brigham Young