Great Salt Lake City, June 13, 1863.
Elder John W. Young,
13 Broadway, New York City.
My Dear Son John W:-
On the 4th inst. I wrote you at length in reply to yours received up to that date, and on the 3rd I wrote to your brother Brigham, since when your kind and good letter to your Mother has come to hand.
I am much gratified that all your letters are written in the enjoyment of such good health and spirits, and evidence that the sight-seeings and temptations of the lower world have not wearied your affections from your religion and home, but seem to have increased and strengthened them, which I doubt not will continue to be the case until we are privileged to welcome you home in health and safety, every way improved by your trip. The courteous treatment you receive from those you meet is also gratifying, for it indicates tht our enemies are foiled for the present, and that your conduct and conversation are commendable.
The sojourners on the Bench are few and quiet, and you were quite right in your statement that they would not be able to accomplish anything to our injury.
Harding left by stage for the East on the 11th inst., and there were none of any party who thought enough of him to notice his departure. Conner is still here, a Brigadier without a Brigade or the prospect of one, and said to be an[word cut off] to get away, with the expectation of soon being gratified by being recalled or ordered to more active service and a wider field. Under these circumstances the mischievous clique, in such full feather not long ago, is entirely broken, and I presume despair of being able to carry out any of their evil plans.
The weather continues unusually dry and warm, and City Creek has not had its usual high-water period, yet gardens and fields look luxuriantly and give promise of abundant harvests of the rich products of the soil.
Work of varied kinds is so crowding that no common laborers are in the streets seeking employment, which is proof of a healthy feeling and action among the people.
Your brother Joseph A. is busily engaged in overseeing the lumbering business of my mills in Big Cottonwood and City Creek canons, and George W. is looking after matters at the grist mill and its vicinity.
On the Temple Block the foundations for the pillars for the bents of the New Tabernacle, to be 150 by 250 feet outside measure, will soon be laid, and masons are busily occupied upon the pillars. Work is progressing very satisfactorily upon the Temple, several teams being busily occupied in hauling the huge granite blocks, which the stone cutters are rapidly shaping, and the masons placing them in the walls.
The Parquette of the Theatre is being fitted with a sectional floor to extend over it on a level with the stage, for the purpose of accomodating large parties, of which one will come off on the 3rd, one on the 16th, (Pioneer and Battalion), and one on the 24th of July next.
A few days ago, a band of Indians attacked the California mail Stage in Cedar Valley about two miles west of the Jordan River, killed the conductor Wood Reynolds, the driver, and two horses, cut the mail bags, cushions and curtains of the coach, and then made off, taking the other two horses with them. understand that troops have been sent from Camp Douglas to chastise them.
My health, your mother's, that of my family, of Joseph A. and family, of Brigham's family, and of your other relatives, friends, acquaintances and the people in general is good.
Bro. Thos. W. Ellerbeck's wife died on the 11th inst., and was buried yesterday.
That you may be abundantly blest and rejoice with us in a safe and prosperous return to your home in due time, having accomplished a good work is the prayer of,
Your Father,
Brigham Young
P. S. Should Bro. Horace get through with his business and be returning home before Brigham arrives, you are at liberty to come with him or wait for Brigham as you may choose.