1864 November 29 Letter to A. Milton Musser


1864 November 29 Letter to A. Milton Musser


Goods should be stored instead of selling them for cotton. Merchants are sending flour to St George to pay for work on a Store House.




Brigham Young


A. Milton Musser


1864 November 29


Great Salt Lake City

Item sets


President's Office
G. S. L. City, Nov 29/64

Elder A. Milton Musser,

Dear Brother:

Your favor of the 16th instant came to hand yesterday and has been perused with interest. In relation to the Goods, I think that instead of selling them for Wheat and having that ground into Flour, if you cannot sell them for Cotton, I wish them stored. I did not send the goods there to sell for Wheat, for I could get the Wheat in another way. and if they cannot be sold for the Cotton, I wish the goods stored at Toquerville.

Steps are being taken by the Merchants who are interested in the building of the Store House on the Colorado to immediately send down flour to St. George to pay for the work which they wish to have done.

The weather here is now very fine over head. We have had some stormy weather, which has left a coat of snow on the mountains, and some little in the Valley which is gradually disappearing.

The Canal company has been orgonized and the prospects are very good work being soon commenced upon it.

With love, I remain,
Your Brother in the Lord,

Brigham Young