1864 December 15 Letter to James Atkins


1864 December 15 Letter to James Atkins


This season church teams will not aid the immigration. Gold will be needed to pay for passage from Liverpool.




Brigham Young


James Atkins


1864 December 15


Great Salt Lake City
Beaver City, Beaver County

Number of Pages



Financial Matters

Item sets

386 - 387

Presidents Office,

G. S. Lake City, Decr. 15th, 1864. Jas. Atkins,
Beaver City, Beaver County.

Dear Brother,

Your favor of the 8th instant, upon the subject of the emigration of your folks, came safely to hand to-day.

There will be no emigration this coming season by the aid of Church teams; for there will be no teams sent down in the Spring to the Frontiers to bring up the poor. All who come, therefore, will have to pay their own way. I cannot say at present what it will cost to bring an individual from Europe to this place. I have
heretofore received $37.50 in gold for each adult for passage from Liverpool to Wyoming. It will be worth that, at the very least next year; and I think it quite likely that it will require a larger sum, than that. I can receive nothing but gold on emigration, and, if you have green-backs, and wish to send the assistance of which you speak, your better way will be to convert them into gold yourself.

I remain,

Your Brother in the Lord,
Brigham Young

P. S.
If you wish to transmit money to your friends, you can do so, through this Office, then they can come as they please as the way may open.

B. Y.