1864 December 30 Letter to William Adams & Co.


1864 December 30 Letter to William Adams & Co.


Brigham provides the details and price of two carding machines.




William Adams & Co.


Brigham Young


1864 December 30


Great Salt Lake City


Business Matters

Item sets



Presidents Office,
G. S. Lake City,
Dec. 30th, 1864.

Messrs. Wm. Adams & Co., Parowan,

Dear Brethren:

Your favor of the 20th instant has just been received. The Carding Machines which I have for sale, and respecting which you have written to me, are of the latest pattern and fashion, and as good as are made in the United States; they are new Machines and well-clothed, and if well-cared for, will last for many years. If I sell, I must sell for gold and have the pay down, as the Machines are doing good business, and if I cannot get the pay when I sell, there would be no object in my selling. My terms are what they cost me in the States, with 20 cents per pound for freight in addition.

Enclosed I forward you a bill of the details of the expenses which these Carding Machines have cost me.

I remain Your Brother,

Brigham Young