[1865] April 16 Letter to J. Crosby


[1865] April 16 Letter to J. Crosby


Brigham will not sell the carding machine on credit.




Brigham Young


J. Crosby


[1865] April 16


Great Salt Lake City


Business Matters
Financial Matters

Item sets

562 - 563

President's Office,
Great Salt Lake City,
Apl. 16th.

Elder J. Crosby,

Dear Bro:

Your favor of March 29th has been recd. and would have been answered earlier had not the pressure of business consequent upon Conference, prevented.

I am anxious to sell my carding machine as soon as I can,; and I will still sell it if I have a chance. But I have advertized it for some time there is no probability at present of my being able to dispose of it. I have had plenty of applications for my machines; but the applicants want to get them on time and pay in the future I may as well keep them myself, and run them as to sell them upon such terms. If I can not sell for the pay down, I shall use the machines as well as I can this season. You can go on and run the machine and sell the wool [?] it to me with that which you have on [?] I cannot send any bags or sheets for the wool.

With love, I remain, Your brother,

Brigham Young