[1866 February] Letter to Lyman L. Wood


[1866 February] Letter to Lyman L. Wood


Counsel to look after the interest of the Indians and to secure any who have been with Black Hawk.


Indian Affairs


Lyman L. Wood


Brigham Young


[1866 February]


Great Salt Lake City
Springville, Utah County


Indian affairs

Item sets


President's Office
Great Salt Lake City

Elder Lyman L. Wood
Springville, Utah Co.

Dear Brother:-

Your favor of 6th instant has been received and has been perused with interest. I am pleased with the Spirit which it manifests.

I hope that you will carry out the views respecting the course which you think of taking towards the Indians, and look after their interests and keep thoroughly acquainted with them and in their confidence they are in a bad fix, according to the description which Lieut, Whitney has given you, and I fear that it will be a discouraging effect upon them.

Should you meet with or hear of any Indians whom you have reason to believe have been with Black Hawk you should have them secured.

I have not heard anything from Col. Irish since his arrival at Washington

Your Brother

Brigham Young