1866 March 28 Letter to H. L. Goodall Esq.


1866 March 28 Letter to H. L. Goodall Esq.


The "Emigrant" circular is a good idea. The church is so organized in Europe that they do not require advertisement.




Brigham Young


H. L. Goodall


1866 March 28


Great Salt Lake City
Cairo, Illinois



Item sets

Gt Salt Lake City
Mar. 28th, 1866.

H. L, Goodall Esq.
Times Office, Cairo, Ill.

Dear Sir:-

Your favor of the 3rd instant, with accompanying enclosures, has just reached me. I have perused with interest your circular and prospectus for the "Emigrant", and am fully of the opinion that the plan is an excellent one for diffusing correct information among emigrants

We have matters so organized in Europe that we are not under the necessity of advertising. We publish extensively in English, Norwegian and French and German, and have agents scattered through all the countries where those languages are spoken, who are missionaries of our doctrine, and under whose guidance and direction the people are brought together to embark at <Hamburg> Havre de Grace, London and Liverpool, as convenience may suit the emigration. We charter our own ships, all the emigrants starting with the intention of coming right through to this country. Thanking you for your courtesy

I am respectfully.

Brigham Young