1866 May 16 Letter to Canute Peterson


1866 May 16 Letter to Canute Peterson


Peterson is called to serve a mission. He should help the people recover the Spirit and teach them to protect themselves from the Indians.




Brigham Young


Canute Peterson


1866 May 16


Great Salt Lake City
Lehi, Utah County

Number of Pages



Missionary Work
Indian Affairs

Item sets

President's Office,
Gt. Salt Lake City,
May 16, 1866.

Elder Canute Peterson,
Lehi, Utah Co.

Dear Brother: We have appointed you to accompany Elder John Van Cott on a Mission to Sanpete and Sevier Counties to labor among the Scandanavian Saints in that region of country. We wish them to be taught the necessity of taking care of themselves, their stock and all that is entrusted to them. They should learn to handle their guns to advantage, so as to be able to protect themselves and their families against the attacks and ravages of the Indians. Upon this point they have been generally remiss, and have not felt the necessity of taking those precautions which people in new Settlements exposed to Indian attack, should always be vigilant in attending to. They must wake up upon these points, and not allow covetousness to take such entire possession of them that their own <true> interests and the interests of the Kingdom, are neglected. They should be willing to assist the <Indians who are> friendly when they need help, and not be so stingy as to disgust them.

You should urge them to seek for and recover the Spirit of the gospel which they received when they embraced this Work, and which, in many instances, has leaked away from them in crossing the Ocean and the Plains and since their arrival here. They should be in possession of the Spirit of their religion and have the power of God resting down upon them; and if they enjoy these blessings, they will not be likely to apostatize.

With love. I remain, Your Brother,

Brigham Young