1866 May 22 Letter to Walter Bray


1866 May 22 Letter to Walter Bray


Brigham clarifies what was said in a conversation he had with three men who declined to play at the Academy of Music.




Brigham Young


Walter Bray


1866 May 22


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Business Matters
Performance Arts

Item sets

President's Office
Gt Salt Lake City,
May 22, 1866.

Mr Walter Bray

Dear Sir:-I understand that Messrs. P. Margetts, J. Simmons and H. Bowring, who had promised to play at your daughter's benefit at the Academy of Music in this City on the evening of Saturday, the 12th, instant, declined to appear, assigning as a reason for not doing so that I was averse to their appearance on those boards on that occasion.

As this was not the fact I deem it but simple justice to myself to make an explanation to you of what my real feelings were.

When these gentlemen informed me of their promise to you, I told them that while I did not think that they should engage to play at other Theatres when they were under engagement to play at the Salt Lake City Theatre without first conversing with the proprietor or manager upon the subject, yet as they had promised you that they would play on that occasion, I advised them to go and fill their engagement. It was with regret that I learned that they had not done so, as, under the circumstances, it certainly would have met my feelings for them to have appeared.

I think there is an apology due from them to you whether they ever make it or not

I remain, Respectfully,

Brigham Young

P. S.

I had a conversation with two of the above named gentlement, and I took the liberty of giving them some very plain talk. I felt that they should be rebuked for indulging in drinking and appearing in public under the influence of liquor, and said they should be gentlemen when off the Stage as well as before the public, as the public estimated their character by their deportment when not on the stage.

It was this conversation, doubtless that discouraged them.

I hope this explanation will be satisfactory to you and convince you that I have the best of feelings towards you.