1866 July 5 Letter to Charles C. Rich


1866 July 5 Letter to Charles C. Rich


Men were killed and livestock stolen in two separate Indian Attacks.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


Charles C Rich


1866 July 5


Great Salt Lake City
Paris, Richland Co

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs


President's Office,
Gt. Salt Lake City,
July 5th, 1866.

President Charles C. Rich,
Paris, Richland Co.

Dear Brother:

Your favor of the 29th ult. has just been handed in by Bro. Duffin. We are pleased to hear from you, and also respecting the good prospects that you have for crops. This will be a great encouragement for the people, and will strengthen them in their labors. You will doubtless have heard received the Epistle and letter which I wrote to you respecting taking precautions to guard yourselves and families and stock against the attacks of Indians.

President Wells is now at San Pete Valley with about three hundred men, or upwards, from this and Utah Counties. He is urging forward the fortifying of the Settlements, and is assisting the people in defending themselves against the attacks of the Indians. On Sunday, the 24th of June, the Indians (supposed to be Indians from Uinta Valley of Tabby's band) made an attack upon a command of our brethren, under Capt. Deway <at Thistle Valley,> and succeeded in running off 26 of the boys' horses. After stealing the horses, they came and attacked the Camp. This was about 11 A. M., and they fought at intervals all day. They gradually crept up on the brethren's Camp, and it is s<s>aid they would have overpowered them, had not Col. Ivie, with a command of fifty men, came to their help from Mount Pleasant. They beat off the Indians. When they ran off the horses, they killed a brother Charles Brown, and they subsequently wounded Brother Snarr in the leg.

On the Tuesday following a band of horses and cattle were driven off from Spanish Fork. The brethren of that place, or a few of them, and some from Springville, followed them as soon as they could, and overtook them, and had a fight with them. They recovered the stock and most of the horses; but one of the brethren -- Jonathan Edmiston -- was killed, and another -- A. Dimmick-- was wounded, and has since died. How many Indians were killed and wounded in these engagements is not known, as if they had any they succeeded in carrying them off.

Times are quiet in the City -- every thing moving along without any excitement. The crops look promising. The teams had mostly reached the river by the 23rd of June; two of the ships companies had also reached there in good health.

We shall be pleased to hear from you whenever convenient. With love, and praying the Lord to bless you in all your labors
I remain

Your Brother,

Brigham Young