President's Office,
Gt. Salt Lake City,
July 5th, 1866.
President Brigham Young, Jr.,
42 Islington, Liverpool, England.
Dear Son:
Your very welcome favor of June 1st was received a few days since, and the contents duly noted. Your success in obtaining ships, and in securing the emigration cheap passages is gratifying, and it is to be hoped that the last ships may have speedy voyages, as their departure was rather later than could be wished. We have heard by Telegram of the arrival of the second ship's company, in good health, at Wyoming, on the 27th ult. The most, if not all, the trains which we sent from here to bring up the poor, arrived at Wyoming previous to that date, so that the people would only be detained long enough to load up. We hope to hear soon of the arrival of all the Saints at last point, as it is desirable that the companies should soon be travelling homeward.
When I last wrote to you, I told you about the movements of the brethren who had gone down to San Pete to defend the Settlements against the attacks of the Indians. The brethren who followed the Indians with the stolen stock from Round Valley, were not able to overtake them, and returned in time to meet Bro. Wells on his arrival at Gunnison. On the 24th ult. the Indians made a break upon a command of the brethren, under the command of Lieut. A. P. Dewey, and ran off 26 horses, killing Bro. Cha's. Brown. A short time afterwards they returned and attacked the Camp; they fought at intervals the balance of the day, and it is said they would have overpowered the brethren, as they were gradually creeping up on them, despite all they could do to prevent them, had not Col. Ivie with his command marched from Mount Pleasant in the afternoon, without any intimation from any earthly source of the strait the brethren were in. One of the brethren was wounded in the leg during the engagement.
On Tuesday <(the 26th)> a party of Indians drove off a band of horses and cattle from Spanish Fork. A few men from that place, with a few more from Springville, followed the thieves and overtook <them;> a battle ensued and the horses and cattle were recovered. One of the brethren -- Jonathan Edmiston-was killed and cattle were recovered. One of the brethren -- Jonathan Edmiston -- was killed, and another -- A. Dimmick was wounded, and has since died. How many of the Indians were killed and wounded in these arrangements is not known, as they carried off all from the field.
All the settlements south of Richfield on the Sevier have moved in, and concentrated with the other Settlements. Besides guarding every exposed place, the brethren who have gone from this and Utah county are helping the people to move and to fortify themselves. This latter labor is being pushed rapidly forward, and at the last advices every thing was in an excellent condition to enable the Saints to defend themselves and their stock against the attacks and depredations of the Lamanites.
I view this chastisement as necessary to unite the Saints and to cause them to pay more heed to counsel than they have been doing. Their hearts have gone after riches, and the lust of the world has blinded their minds. This is really but a light chastisement to what we might receive, and I would rather have the Lamanites stir us up to diligence than some other chastisements that might come upon us. The Lord has the hearts of the Lamanites, as well as the hearts of the others, in his keeping. He can move them any way that he pleases to suit his own good pleasure, and when he sees that enough has been done, and that his people are humble and penitent under his mighty hand, he can turn their hearts to peace.
Precautions are being taken in the Northern Counties to concentrate the small Settlements in the large ones, and to guard the Stock against any possible out break of the red men.
Everything is moving along quietly here in the City. The health of the people generally is very good. The promise for grain, vegetable and fruit crops is very encouraging.
I have received John W's very long and welcome letter, describing his movements and visits in the States, and his voyage across to Europe, and myself and your Mother and the family have been much gratified at its perusal. Your mother is in better health than she has been. She would like to hear from you both whenever you can write.
Bro's. H. B. Clawson, Wm. Jennings and John Sharp, Jr., arrived home in good health last week.
The Fourth has passed off without any special demonstration, if we except the firing of cannon, the display of flags and the music of the bands.
With love to yourself <and family,> John W., Bro. Orson and the Elders generally, in which President Kimball, Bro. Geo. Q. and the brethren join, and praying the Lord to endow you with every qualification and to preserve you from every evil I remain
Your Father,
Brigham Young