1866 August 15 Letter to Erastus Snow


1866 August 15 Letter to Erastus Snow


The Saints should not be revengeful toward the Indians. The Navajo Chief was killed and the Saints should fortify themselves against an attack.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


Erastus Snow


1866 August 15


Great Salt Lake City
St George, Washington County

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs


President's Office,
Gt. Salt Lake City,
August 15th, 1866.

President Erastus Snow,
St. George, Washington Co.

Dear Brother:

Your favor of the 8th instant, written from Cedar City, has just been received. We are pleased to hear from you and of your movements among the people. They will be attended with beneficial effects, and your teachings will have a tendency to guard the Saints against indulging in a revengeful feeling against the Indians.

Kanosh and Dimick Huntington were in the Office this morning. The Piedes have told the former that the sons of the Navajo Chief, who was found dead near where the Berrys were killed, have been raising the tribes to avenge their father's death. They count on having six thousand warriors ready in six weeks from this time -- say the next full moon but one -- to make a descent upon our Settlements and clean them out from St. George to Beaver. This is an Indian story, and there may be no foundation to it; but no precautions should be neglected, so that, if true, you may be prepared to ward off any attack that may be made upon you.

Capt. Hooper reached home on the evening of the 11th. He is in good health and spirits. He was accompanied by Major Gen. John E. Smith, the newly-appointed U. S. Assessor of Internal Revenue for this Territory.

Peace prevails in the City. Bro's. F. D. Richards, N. Groesbeck and Bry my son, Oscar B. Young started to England on Missions the beginning of this week.

With love, and praying the Lord to uphold and bless you

I remain Your Brother,

Brigham Young