1867 January 15 Letter to A. L. Smith and B. Cluff


1867 January 15 Letter to A. L. Smith and B. Cluff


Money has been sent to assist the Elders in providing for their families.




Brigham Young


A. L. Smith
B. Cluff


1867 January 15


Great Salt Lake City
Laie, Oahu, Sandwich Islands

Number of Pages



Financial Matters

President's Office,
Gt. Salt Lake City,
Jan. 15th/67

Elders A. L. Smith and B. Cluff,
Laie, Oahu, Sandwich Islands.

Dear Brethren:

Reports have reached us of the destitute condition of yourselves and families, that you are in want of many articles necessary to comfort. To relieve you from this condition I write to inform you that you are at liberty to draw on me for Five hundred dollars ($500.00) I presume that you will have no difficulty in raising the money there on a Draft on me. This amount will help you to take care of your families, and assist you in your Mission. When you need more than this, if Bro. Geo. Nebeker can let you have any means, I will credit him on the interest of the money which I have advanced for the purchase of the place. I am writing to him to-day and have advised him of this. If one of the letters should fail to reach, the other will convey the information, as I have written the same to him.

Everything is moving along quietly here. The Legislature is in Session at present; it expires next Friday, the 18th. Good health generally prevails. The Winter is a very mild one thus far, though we have had considerable rainy weather. Since New Years we have had some snow, and the sleighing has <been> very lively. It is thawing in the daytime at the present and freezing of nights.

Your folks, so far as I know, are well. My wife Emiline has not had very good health for a year now; she is as well as at present as she has been, and is in tolerable good health. It is pleasing to hear of the faithfulness and diligence of the Elders who are engaged in preaching the gospel. You have a hard field to labor in; but your reward, if faithful, will be sure, and the Lord will give you strength and grace according to your day.

Accept my love and remember me to your families and all of the Elders and Saints. That the Lord may bless, uphold and preserve you is the prayer of

Your Brother,
Brigham Young

P. S.
Bro. Eli Bell or others of the Elders may be equally destitute with yourselves; of this I am not informed. Should any of the brethren be in want, assist them what is absolutely necessary for them to go on with their labors as Missionaries. You can show this letter or portions of it to those with whom you may wish to do business, and it will be seen that you are authorized to draw on me.

Your Brother,

Brigham Young