1867 February 13 Letter to James Leithead


1867 February 13 Letter to James Leithead


Only cash can be accepted to emigrate people from Europe. The Trustee in Trust is in debt from the last emigration.




Brigham Young


James Leithead


1867 February 13


Great Salt Lake City
St. Thomas, Washington County

President's Office
Gt. Salt Lake City,
Feb. 13, 67

Mr. James Leithead
St. Thomas, Washington Co.
Utah Ter.

Dear Brother:

In relation to the emigration of Bro. Powel's folks, about which you write under date of the 9th ult., I have to say that no other means can be received but money. I can not pay money for cotton, and if I were to take cotton I would have to pay money; for ship owners, provision merchants, Rail Road agents, &c., will receive no other kind of pay but money for carrying and furnishing the people. I have so many calls of this kind made upon me that I find it utterly out of my power to comply with them. The past year's emigration has been a very heavy expense to the Trustee-in-Trust, and has entailed considerable debt.

Your Brother

Brigham Young