1867 July 23 Letter to L. D. Rudd


1867 July 23 Letter to L. D. Rudd


It improbable that things are amiss with Rudd's wife. The Indians have driven off cattle, grasshoppers are damaging crops and there is excitement over gold. Rudd disclosed news that makes him vulnerable to the law.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


L. D. Rudd


1867 July 23


Great Salt Lake City
Saint Louis, Moussori

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs
Legal Matters


President's Office,
Gt. Salt Lake City
July 23rd, 1867.

Elder L.D. Rudd,
2310 Franklin Avenue,
Saint Louis, Mo.

Dear Brother:

Your letters of the 16th and 21st of June have been received. We are pleased to hear of your success, your good health and the prospects that open up before you. I think that you have given yourself unnecessary uneasiness about the matters of which you write in relation to your wife. I cannot think that affairs are as you describe them or imagine them to be. You give a quotation from one of her letters. If the case were as you construe it, I think it very improbable that she would write so frankly about it. She must be joking you and trying to tease you a little. I have heard nothing about this matter, and I think it quite likely that something would have reached my ears if circumstances were as you report them to be. We were there on the 12th of May and I heard nothing respecting your wife that would confirm what you have written.

Nothing particularly new has transpired here since I last wrote you. This is a busy season of the year, as usual, and everything is moving along steadily and peaceably. The Indians are quiet in San Pete, though to-day, I received a telegram from Parowan stating that they had made a raid on the stock of that place, but were repulsed and the stock recovered. The Indians on the eastern route have stolen some mules belonging to four of our brethren -- Bros. Streeper, Stoddard, Randall and Lot Smith. We expect, however that with proper precaution, our freight trains and emigrants will come through without suffering any serious loss.

Prospects for crops -- fruit, grain and vegetables, in this valley and in the counties of Davis and Weber are very fine. Grasshoppers have done some damage in Cache. Further South, the crops were backward at last accounts, though no doubt, the long spell of warm weather we have had, has materially changed their appearance.

You, doubtless, met with some of our missionaries who went through from this place to labor in the states if so they have been able to give you many items which would be interesting to you.

There has been some excitement, of late, in this City and neighborhood through the reported discovery of a gold mine near the upper crossing of the Sweetwater. A number of our floating population have gone to the mines, but some, it is said, have got back considerably disappointed. There is little doubt but there is gold there; but the discoverers and a few more who were there first, have located their claims, and there seems to be no chance for the masses who are rushing there. The gold that has been found is said to be very fine.

The Saints are feeling very well in their religion and are diligently striving to keep the commandments of God and to increase in the perfection of the gospel.

When we look at what God has done for us in preserving us from the hands of our enemies, we should be the most grateful people on the face of the earth. No plot or scheme that they could concoct has been left untried to bring about our destruction and overthrow; but everything which they have attempted has signally failed, and we enjoy peace that is unequalled, and there is none to molest us or make us afraid. God's power alone has brought this about, and to him belongs the praise

We shall be pleased to hear from you whenever you can make it convenient to write. You have our prayers for your success in the ministry and your preservation from evil. Accept of my love in which Presdts. Kimball and Wells and Bro. G.Q. join, and praying the Lord to bless you,

I remain Your Brother

Brigham Young

P.S. I have received a letter from Bro. Miles of New York enclosing your letter of July 1st, in which you communicate a certain item of news to him. You have, by this act laid yourself liable to the law, and you will have to look out or you will have be put in the States prison.