1867 August 29 Letter to Moses Thatcher


1867 August 29 Letter to Moses Thatcher


An Elder should not conseal an illness to complete a mission. There is a field of usefulness at home. Black Hawk professed to be advocating peace. The grasshoppers are destroying crops.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


Moses Thatcher


1867 August 29


Great Salt Lake City
Liverpool, England


Missionary Work
Indian Affairs

President's Office,
Great Salt Lake City,
August 29th, 1867.

Elder Moses Thatcher,
42 Islington, Liverpool, England.

Dear Brother:

We learn from several sources that your health is not good, and that it has been declining. I have this day written to Brother F.D. Richards at Liverpool that if what we hear is correct, and your health is failing, to release you and permit you to return.

It is sometimes the case that Elders are so ambitious to fill their missions that they will conceal their true condition, when they are ailing, from their presidents. They do not like the idea to go out that they cannot finish a mission, or stay the length of time usually assigned to a mission. They do
themselves an injustice by so doing. Every man should take care of his own health, and endeavor to prolong his life, and if a foreign climate does not agree with him, he need not stay there and die through a false pride, for a faithful man can find a greater field of usefulness at home than he can abroad

Your family and relatives are well so far as I know. Your wife is in the city at present, I believe on a visit. Everything is moving along peaceably in the Territory. Black Hawk came into Uinta Valley a few days ago, and Col. Head, our Superintendent of Indian Affairs, had an interview with him. He professes to be anxious for peace and promised Mr. Head that he would send word to all his men to stop hostilities. How it will result remains to be seen.

The grasshoppers have been very destructive to crops in Cache Valley, and in other places have done considerable damage.

With love to yourself and to other Elders who may be near you, and praying the Lord to bless you and to preserve you from evil

I am Your Brother

Brigham Young