1869 February 16 Letter to Orson H. Elliot


1869 February 16 Letter to Orson H. Elliot


The only preference towards Brother Calder's book business is his cheaper price.




Brigham Young


Orson H. Elliot


1869 February 16


Salt Lake City


Business Matters

Salt Lake City,
Feb. 16. 1869.

Mr. Orson H. Elliot,

Dear Sir.

Yours of the 12th inst. has come to hand.

I will say that I have not the slightest private interest in Bro. D.O. Calder's book business only so far as pertains to my purchasing from him, and, we are satisfied that books can be bought from Bro D.O. Calder, about 1/3 cheaper than from other books dealers in this city. So long as this is the case, and this is a free country I see no reason why the people should not give Bro. Calder the preference if they feel disposed.

As to your arranging with Bro. Calder perhaps some understanding might be reached that would be advantageous to both parties, but, it is a matter in which I have no wish to interfere.

Yours very respectfully,
Brigham Young