1870 September 30 Letter to John L. Burton


1870 September 30 Letter to John L. Burton


Burton receives a reprimand for publishing Brigham's hastily written note. A paragraph from a statement by a deceased man's brothers confirms that religion played no role in his death.




George Reynolds


John L. Burton


1870 September 30


Madison, N. Y.

Number of Pages



Legal Matters

Salt Lake City
30 Sept. 1870.

John L. Burton Esq
Madison, N.Y.

Dear Sir:

Your favor of 21st inst. is to hand acknowledging receipt of mine of 5th inst. I had no idea you would have published my hastely written note. Copies of the papers in which it appeared have however reached this city as I learn from a note addressed to me from the brothers of the late Mr Woodhull. I have taken the liberty to extract a paragraph from their communication, by which you will see that they endorse my statement as to the cause of
the murder.

"It is most certainly true that my Brother's religious tenets and opinions had nothing whatever to do with his untimely death * * * You or others, are at liberty to use our names to combat any slanders or rumors to the effect that any religious or political opinions of either or any sect or party had anything to do with the murder of our Brother, his loss I know is deeply regretted by all. All we ask is that justice be done whoever or whatever, the parties are or belong to, which we are confident will be done." The above extract is signed by "W.S. and D.D. Woodhull, Brothers of the late H.J. Woodhull." The U.S. District court is now in session, but the Grand Jury have not yet presented an Indictment in this case. It is supposed that that will be reached in the course of a week or ten days.

Yours Respectfully
Geo. Reynolds