1853 September 1 Special Orders


1853 September 1 Special Orders


Instructions on filling vacancies in the Utah Military District and raising up infantry members.


Nauvoo Legion


Daniel H. Wells
James Ferguson


Unspecified Recipients


1853 September 1


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Nauvoo Legion

Item sets

Head Quarters Nauvoo Legion
Adjutant Generals Office
Great Salt Lake City, Sept lst /53

Special Orders

I. The charges preferred against Col. P. M. Conover by Col. Geo A. Smith having been withdrawn, he is raleased from arrest, and will resume the command of the Utah Military District.

II. The resignation of Major Nowlin is hereby accepted. An election will be held in the Battalion of which he had command, on Saturday, the 17th inst. to fill the vacancy thus made, as well as other vacancies that may occur during the election by promotion.

III. Capt. Wm. Hall of the Central, and Capt. Wm. Miller of the Southern divisions of the Utah Military District, will each raise in his respective District a Company of Infantry, the Officers of which will be equipped and mounted as cavalry to serve as minute man. To each Six non- commissioned officers and privates, there will be a Wagon, and a Two horse or Mule team, for the purpose of conveying the men & baggage.

The vacancies made by the transfer of the Officers to recruiting Service will be filled by proper election under the direction of Col. Smith.

IV. Col. Conover will see that all the able-bodied men in the District, are enrolled in to some Company and ready for service, and will aid Captns. Hall and Miller in the enrollment of their companies, allowing them to receive such men by transfer from other Infantry Companies as may be Suitable for the Service.

By Order of

Lieut Genl. Dan. H. Wells
Jas Ferguson
Adjutant General