1853 October 14 Letter to David Moore


1853 October 14 Letter to David Moore


Special Orders pertaining to the return of Battalion Blanks and Muster Rolls, stopping trade with the Indians and the legal rights of the City Council.


Nauvoo Legion


Daniel H. Wells


David Moore


1853 October 14


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Nauvoo Legion
Indian Affairs
Legal Matters

Item sets


Head Quarters Nauvoo Legion
Adjutant Generals Office
G. S. L. City October 14th 1853

Accompanying this I send you Special Orders No. 1 of this date, which will answer the first part of yours of the 30th Ulti. You will please have the instructions carried out immediately and fill and return the accompanying Battalion Blanks and Muster Rolls. I would like them returned before the 27th if possible. You should also take measures to stop the Indian trading in your district and are fully authorized to enforce the instructions given through the Proclamation. Your own discretion will be your best guide in regard to the non-compliants <with> Do nothing rashly but be decisive.

The last clause of the 39th Sec. of the Judiciary Act confirms to Ogden City exclusively the rights granted Oct 4th 1851. It would be wise to end the litigation by compromise. The City Council should not study beauty before Safety, and ought to yield a little. Though these rights are now theirs beyond present interference: yet the declaration of war or any abuse of their rights in peace may take them back. The power that gave can take away. So far this is a matter between the peopel and their representatives in the City Council. Should they be abusively represented, they have their recourse. But in the event that you cannot carry out your instructions with out,you have the authority to take over the Chamber the Council sits at on to make the people of your district secure. Extreme cases alone however will justify extreme measures. The Governor does not, nor do I countenance litigation.

I am, Sir
Most Respectfully yours
Daniel H. Wells

Lieut Gen Com
Per James Ferguson
Adj. Gen[l]..

Major David Moore
Comd. Weber Mil. Dist.
Ogden City.