July 1836


July 1836


Brigham Young serves a proselytizing mission in the Eastern States. He travels and preaches throughout New England and visits extended family.




June 26,1836 - August 2, 1836


Brigham Young


New York
Rhode Island

number of pages



Missionary Work

Item sets

The July 1836 entries were broken into two parts. All but one of the entries were written on an insert, which was added to the book of journals in a separate location.

[Second insert begins at May 1836]

26 June-8 July 1836 • Sunday-Friday 

I have traveled [[p. 9]] about 985 miles I preached in whits borough - we arived at Unkles June 26 and left July the 6 [1836 Wednesday] we went up north to Pitsfield I Preached there I Preched once nere Unkel,s we had a blesed viset a time of rejoiceing the 6 day we went to Connecticut to Brothers Gibson Smith I am now at Julin Moses Fathers found the Brothern well July 8 I have traveled about 48 miles - 

11 July 1836 • Monday 

July 11[1836 Monday] I have preached four times here in Canaan, this day I have Baptized 2 Frances S. Benideck [[p. 10]] and his wife Pheba Benideck monda 

12-13 July 1836 • Tuesday-Wednesday  

Tusday [July 12] Went to B Frenches  I Preached in the evening Brother Joseph Baptized 2 in the after no[o]n. wensday [July 13] we went to Norfork to Brothers Foots and held a meting in the evening we met Brothers L. Robens Julan Moses whoe had gest returned from amision. Brothers helped ous som - 

15-20 July 1836 • Friday-Wednesday 

fridia the 15 [July 1836] we went Started for Providence Brother Food [Foot?] went and cared ous three miles we then we walked a fue miles and then we got into a wagon and rode to hafferd we then walked to Providence we arived at Brother Volintines Young and found [[p. 11]] them well they ware very glad to see ous we then Preached in the evening on monday [July 18] we went to Brother Millers and Preached in the evening  tusday evening [July 19] I Preached in the Washington hall good attension was Paid wensday the 20 [July 1836] We went to Pawtucket to Brother Remingtons, [where] we are now - 

21-23 July 1836 • Thursday-Saturday  

thursday [July 21] returned to V. Young and tared all night, and frida [July 22] we went to  Boston on the rale rode we found the Sisters [in] pirty good helth and spirts  satterday [July 23] we spent the day in visiting the Citty and frends and recivd a visit from Preast Talor we bore testmoney of the book of Mormon and drowned him in his own words and let him goe [[p. 12]] 

[end of second insert] 

28 July- 2 August 1836 • Thursday-Tuesday 

* * [asterisks in original] July 28 1836 

next day aunt Morse took here horse and wagon and cared ous to Unkel N. Howes this was thuns thursday 28 I Preached at 5 P.M. Coson Lucas Parker Came in the evning and Tarred all night  on frida 29 we went to unkel Perkens with Aunt Mors on Satterday the 30 [July} Brother Joseph and my self viseted coson Mathew Belnap returned in the evening to aunt Morse and coson Appleton Morse tared all night on sunday the 31 went coson Appleton to Southborough and hered him Preach returned to Unkels N. Howes Brother Preached at 6 P.M. tared till Tusday mor the {shorthand single word} of August we are now abo[u]t to  S  start for Holston [[p. 6]]