1853 November 30 Letter to Orson Pratt


1853 November 30 Letter to Orson Pratt


Requesting assistance in safe guarding a large amount of merchandise across the plains. The University continues work on a new alphabet.




Brigham Young


Orson Pratt


1853 November 30


Great Salt Lake City


Overland Travel

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City Nov. 30/53.

Brother Orson,

Should the Spirit dictate to you, that you had better come home next Season, it will be the most beneficial to us for you to come in Company with Bro Horace S. Eldredge; and assist him in getting the large amt. of merchandize we have sent for safely across the plains, and one or both of you remain with it all the way through, as we have been subjected to much loss and disappointment from carelessness in the carriers.

The Regency of our University are quite busy at present, in trying to form a new, and better Alphabet, but have not had time to agree definitely upon the different characters, hence will diligently continue their labors until a final result is arrived at.

We have been anxiously waiting the arrival of the November mail, but must close without receiving it.

We are enjoying delightful weather, and general health and prosperity. Praying my heavenly father to bless you with his spirit in the
discharge of your respective duties

I Remain
Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young